Theatrical concert about a 16th century fool

Teatro Strappato & La Danserye

Mendrugo is one of the fools of Lope de Rueda, a simple naive, hungry and credulous, the great protagonist of the steps, the hors d’oeuvres that made famous the great actor and Sevillian dramatist of the sixteenth century.

The Teatro Strappato and Ensemble La Danserye join forces to give today’s audience a living memory of how those happy and fun parties that were held in the squares, in the markets and that people knew under the name of theater really were.

The live music with original instruments of the era, the leather masks of “Commedia dell’Arte” and a delicious selection of appetisers by Lope de Rueda are the protagonists of MENDRUGO, a theatrical concert in which fun is guaranteed, a journey in time, a production to remember a way of theater that has disappeared, an unforgettable show.

This show is the result of historical research on Renaissance music and theater carried out by La Danserye and Teatro Strappato. An authentic display of historical instruments, repertoire of the 16th century and masks that create a unique atmosphere.

* For reasons of historical rigor this show is available only in it’s original version in Spanish and is very adaptable to different stage spaces and technical conditions.



“concierto teatral sobre un bobo del XVI”

una producción de




Dirección Vene Vieitez

Textos de Lope de Rueda, Giulio Cesare Crece y Vene Vieitez


Cecilia Scrittore

Mendrugo y Arlecchino

Vene Vieitez

Zanni, Pantalone, Balanzone, Doña Barbara

Fernando Perez Valera

corneta, sacabuche, orlo, rackett y flautas

Juan Alberto Pérez Valera

corneta, chirimía, zanfona, orlo, rackett y flautas

Luis Alfonso Pérez Valera

sacabuche, orlo, rackett y flautas

Eduardo Pérez Valera

bajón, chirimía, orlo, rackett y flautas

José Gabriel Martínez Gil

tambor, rik y darbouka

Máscaras originales por

Cecilia Scrittore y Vene Vieitez
